Alexander Horn

Dr. Alexander Horn
Research Group Leader

Project Team Alexander Horn

Research Interests

  • Comparative Politics
  • Politics of Inequality
  • Welfare States
  • Role of (Party) Ideology


Curriculum Vitae (PDF)


Publications (Peer Reviewed)


Horn, Alexander & Kohl, Sebastian, Beyond trade-offs: Exploring the changing interplay of public and private welfare provision in old age and health in the historical long-run. Journal of European Social Policy.


Horn, Alexander, Kevins, Anthony & Van Kersbergen, Kees, Workfare and Attitudes toward the Unemployed: New Evidence on Policy Feedback from 1990 to 2018.  Comparative Political Studies



Horn, Alexander, Kevins, Anthony & van Kersbergen, Kees, The paternalist politics of punitive and enabling workfare: evidence from a new dataset on workfare reforms in 16 countries, 1980–2015. 

Socio-Economic Review.



Horn, Alexander & Jensen, Carsten, Policy signals in party communication: explaining positional concreteness in parties’ Facebook posts. West European Politics.



Horn, Alexander, The asymmetric long-term electoral consequences of unpopular reforms: why retrenchment really is a losing game for left parties. Journal of European Public Policy.



Horn, Alexander, Kevins, Anthony, Jensen, Carsten & Van Kersbergen, Kees, Political parties and social groups: New perspectives and data on group and policy appeals. Party Politics.



Kevins, Anthony, Horn, Alexander, Jensen, Carsten & Van Kersbergen, Kees, Motive attribution and the moral politics of the welfare state. Journal of Social Policy.



Horn, Alexander, Can the online crowd match real expert judgments? How task complexity and coder location affect the validity of crowd-coded data. European Journal of Political Research. (Best Paper by a Young Scholar Award/DJØF Prize from the Danish Political Science Association)



Kevins, Anthony, Horn, Alexander, Jensen, Carsten & Van Kersbergen, Kees, The illusion of class in welfare state politics? Journal of Social Policy.



Kevins, Anthony, Horn, Alexander, Jensen, Carsten & Van Kersbergen, Kees, Yardsticks of inequality: Preferences for redistribution in advanced democracies. Journal of European Social Policy.




Horn, Alexander & Kevins, Anthony, Problem pressure and social policy innovation: Lessons from nineteenth-century Germany. Social Science History.


Horn, Alexander, Conditional solidarity: A comparative analysis of government egalitarianism and benefit conditionalization in boom and bust. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice.




Horn, Alexander, Kevins, Anthony, Jensen, Carsten & Van Kersbergen, Kees, Peeping at the corpus–What is really going on behind the equality and welfare items of the Manifesto project? 

Journal of European Social Policy.




Horn, Alexander & Jensen, Carsten, When and why politicians do not keep their welfare promises. 

European Journal of Political Research.




Horn, Alexander & Jensen, Carsten, When and why politicians do not keep their welfare promises. 

European Journal of Political Research.

Monographs & Book Chapters


Chapter on Computational Social Science Approaches and AI in the Study of Reform Processes. With Sebastian Stier and Jan Schwalbach- Handbook on Welfare State Reform. Edited by Bernhard Ebbinghaus and Moira Nelson.


Chapter: Ever the committed egalitarians – or the end of Scandinavian exceptionalism? Festschrift Kees van Kersbergen. With Anthony Kevins. Edited by Carsten Jensen, Barbara Vis, and Christoffer Green-Pedersen.


Honesty is the Best Policy. The (Hidden) Short- and Long-term Electoral Consequences of Pledge Breaking and Their Economic Scope Conditions. Festschrift Detlef Jahn. By Erik Baltz, Sven Kosanke, Susanne Pickel. VS. 


Legacies of Universalism: Origins and Persistence of the Broad Political Support for Inclusive Social Investment in Scandinavia. In: The World Politics of Social Investment II: The Politics of Varying Social Investment Strategies, (Edited by Julian Garritzmann, Silja Häusermann, Bruno Palier). Oxford University Press. With Kees van Kersbergen.


Three Worlds of Social Policy Styles: Lasting Legacies or a Thing of the Past? In: Routledge Handbook of Policy Styles (Edited by Michael Howlett and Jale Tosun). Chapter 8. With Jennifer Shore. Routledge (Handbook Series).


Horn, Alexander, Das politische System Dänemarks: Politik, Wirtschaft und Wohlfahrtsstaat in vergleichender Perspektive. Springer.



Horn, Alexander, Government ideology, economic pressure, and risk privatization: How economic worldviews shape social policy choices in times of crisis. Amsterdam University Press.